This is legitimately concerning.
Why is it so expensive for a vet to look at a rat?
Do non-binary people have cooties?
He really thinks he’s getting away with it.
After 5 months of ownership, Chris finally lets me cuddle him 🥹🥹
I rarely get good photos of the boys, but this made me laugh!
First time in 6 years being rat-less
Poor Mak being dunked into his wet meal
Poo tray cuddle puddle
My current home 🥰
My sweetheart.
Trust building
Rats found abandoned in Oregon are almost ready for adoption!
Is it acceptable to see if anyone located near me would be interested in adopting my rats?
Photos to cheer me up after loss
I think if he tries a little bit harder he may just pull my hand through the bars 🤔 What do you guys think?
You didn't have to do her like that
Someone to clean your face just like mama used to…
Should I feel bad about taking my rat out of the cage and cuddling her in the day time?
I swear my rats are toddlers
Ratboy turning four <3
No.. Nope... hell no!
When Frieda is in the Berry Zone, nothing can stop her 🫐