41 M single and happy with my space
My first guitar + pedal board my uncle gave me
Wow I’m in shock in a good way for once with chief justice Roberts ! Finally some pushback on Trump !
just bought our forever home! the dreaded question, do i paint the wood??
Evil gang 😈Evil gang 😈
Community n shit
Political/Commentary Online Shows Dominated By Right Leaning Creators
Our Military Academies are screwed…
Liege of Inveracity 3 verse lyrics have been decoded
Random things i found in my camera roll
Russian memes dump
Is my TV too high?
Opinion: Do you feel like your Utah education has put you behind others?
ESP LTD EC-1000S: A Review a Few Weeks In
Is this eclipse fake?
MAGA garbage confused by the fact that bar owner does NOT allow Nazis in their bar 🔥
Would you pay $700 for this?
24 y/o male. Living alone
Thoughts? I think its perfect
Museum quality work
This is the worst invention of all time
A swastika keyed onto a WankPanzer at Colorado Mills Mall in Lakewood
My hotel room in Bolivia.
NGD: EC-201
40 M, art deco apartment Los Angeles