You get to pick one song that encompasses Millenialism in its' entirety... what is it?
DAE just love picking their nose?
DAE feel so energized and euphoric from friends that it almost feels addictive?
Letter D: Favourite Industrial Songs A-Z. Song with the most upvotes wins!
How do you convince your toddler to do something they don't want to?
HOW are you cutting nails!?!
What's the most annoying thing about rich people?
Safety pins on my torn sweater
Better to potty train before or after baby #2 arrives?
Is it extremely difficult for others to brush their kids teeth or is it just us?
Parents of nonstop talkers, how do you get a chance to speak without raising your voice?
Make this useless area above my door have a purpose!
Name this band.
Are these repairable??
DAE feel like inauthentic because you don’t say you dislike something a friend does?
What are some useful skills to aquire?
One of my burns a combo of three famous people. Can you guess them?
What’s Something About Aging That Surprised You the Most?
We're starting to get "old." What's going to be our generations Geezer mantra?
Help me stop using paper towels
Was that not all of us?
Funny first(ish) words
What does our fridge say about my wife and I?
Low stimulation/slow-moving shows your family loves
Feeding toddlers 100 years ago