I'm sorry but they did Doug Ross dirty
In your opinion, what's the best version of Beauty and the Beast?
Do you have more than one journal?
Um, no thank you.
SATC ANTI Carrie and PRO Carrie .. let's agree on one thing ...
The Carrie Hate Train is So Annoying
What's the last song that inspired you to write a story?
Where did your username come from? [discussion]
Late-season ER: aka the Everyone Loves Neela Show
Do we know why Travis died yet
Karadec and Morgan
In the Eye of the Hurricane, There is... A Long Deadline Profile Exchange
Your favourite head cannon. I'll go first - the turtle ends up with the 'not beautiful enough'woman who worked in the deli
Breaking story - Kimberly Sullivan
Are they still together?
Can someone reassure me that what I am doing isn't weird
Who takes the sticky hand and says, "Thank you. What is this?"
Carrie must have let Charlotte celebrate her 36th birthday her way.
I cannot take this hat seriously....
Irresponsible financial decision of Carrie that’s NEVER talked about - have you noticed?
Does Carol Hathaway have any redeeming qualities? 👀
Which of them do you think has aged the best?
Season 5 Carrie…. Manic?
Samantha going back to Richard after he cheated!?
ok but she looked so fucking good with glasses