What Are Your Moves Tomorrow, March 31, 2025
Who is this outside my girlfriends window?
The Bluethroat has returned to the Netherlands!
What species is this beautiful bird?
Is this a cattle egret?
White Birds Spotted in Iceland - Thingvellir National Park
Eurasian treecreeper (Certhia familiaris) or short-toed treecreeper (Certhia brachydactyla)? Sihlwald, Switzerland
I spotted this incredible bird and can't quite identify it, but it was fascinating to see!
Renly would have made the best king
Literally what was his endgame? A permanent Westerosi winter, and after that? Would he have tried to conquer Essos next?
Help identifying bird call (UK)
I think these are common ringed plovers and…dunlin? Common sandpipers? Netanya coast, Israel
TIL that Felicia Pearson, the actress who played Snoop in The Wire, is a fictionalized version of herself. She was in jail for second-degree murder before becoming an actress and was discovered by Michael K. Williams (Omar) in a real Baltimore club.
Nederland staat alleen in zijn gierigheid, maar Dick Schoof heeft dat nog niet door
Does somebody know what duck this is?
Need “B” last names that sound dark
Loopt er een sukkel, fascist, junkie en een Tesla-rijder de bar in, vraagt de barman....
Dwight Eisenhower won a world war and only got these medals?
PVV-staatssecretaris Maeijer pleegde plagiaat bij masterscriptie en moet nieuwe schrijven: "Enorme klap";
Na onderzoek blijkt dat advies van 'finfluencers' niets oplevert
My grandpa's blood alcohol calculator
Which family is the richest?
Amerikaanse en Europese beurzen in het rood, want Trump sluit een recessie niet uit
___________s are being banned as Little Timmy keeps choking on them.
US car payment delinquencies reach 33-year high: Analysis