USA: anyone know the value of these chairs?
AIO. Someone left this instead of a tip.
My hoa called my dad an a-hole…. Get ready to meet the real one.
Wayne Gretsky’s wine on a retail shelf with tasting notes.
What exactly do they think the alternative is?
Found this ancient book in my grandfather's library with lots of info on the British Empire
Elon's mommy is mad
[US] My mom won a bunch of money at an online casino ( ) and it’s sending off red flags.
What is this, it was my grandfather's, he said it was ancient when he got it. England.
YSK: The difference in ER workups between vaccinated and unvaccinated kids is night and day and affects everyone.
Old American Books
What usually happens to those college guys who had hopes of being drafted but it doesn’t work out?
Been trying to find a live action movie from the 80s/90s, all I remember (vaguely) is a scene of a man in a supermarket talking to a cashier, but then they turn into what looked like a robot crashed into the wall (more in body)
Need help finding replacement parts for fridge door
DLR & Sebastian Bach
I’m in the USA. I know what most of the lettering means on this large solid silver cross, but trying to figure out what the conjoined MR means. Cross is marked sterling and weighs 4.3ozt.
Feels like I dodged a bullet here
Kenmore elite washing machine knob
I Played Eruption at My School Talent Show
Did anyone else see this reel on Feb 26th? (Trigger Warning: Description of gore)
Found this hat at a clothing giveaway. Can’t find its origin let alone value.
Ravens’ Tucker releases new statement: ‘I have never intended to disrespect anyone’
What's the name of that muscle in the middle?
Changing from a Saver's Mindset
The Darkest Song