Pam theory
Does Anti-Cruelty Society look down on people visiting their adoptable pets with no intention to adopt?
ADHDers, do you “abandon” yourselves?
Serious question - who are these people who can afford $2k+ for rent every month ?
What are some great record stores I can visit while in Chicago?
Woo Girls
ADHD Rage happened today.
Stray dogs
Media coverage HELLO!?!?!
Mindy’s mids
My first wedding since diagnosis
Recommendations for karaoke bar for larger groups?
Healthy ish special occasion restaurant for a couple
My favorite tortillas!
What's the worst part when dining out celiac / gluten-free?
First time there, two days on my own: weird/unique museums and best whiskey bars?
Stuff to grab out of the fridge that doesn’t require cooking for severely depressed person
When did it start being called “tavern style”?
Are the impacts of climate change already affecting Chicago?
*Neerrrd* best schools for social work masters?
Can’t get rid of clothing moths (but they aren’t in our clothes)
Any good lunch specials around Logan/Bucktown/Wicker
How to get and support local news?
Trader Joe's Grilled Sardines in Olive Oil 🫒 🐟
Do you tip on top of a 20-25% Restaurant Service Charge or is gratuity included?