As a guy who will need a car sometime this year……… f*ck.
How was your recent experience?
Discovered my engine oil had a red hue to it this morning
Anyone ever had these?
The pure entitlement around consuming art and media.
What is a poor man’s hobbies
People who randomly capitalize every word for no reason
guys, do these do anything or no?
Applying revolution to cat
People who need clutches consistently every <50,000 miles, what are you doing?
Friend wanted to save space in her seasoning cabinet.
Kittens peed in my bed
First time ever grilling, kinda botched it. Advice/criticism welcome
How to properly clean cast iron pans?
What an age we live in
What is going on with this bacon
Best dry and wet foods for your Aussie?
What movie do you think has the best plot twist ending of all time.
So sad to move
Star Trek’s Guest Stars Who Appeared Elsewhere But Never Made The Connection
Will a relocated mole find it's way back to our garden?
Could a crew member use their replicator rations to replica some holoemitters to turn their personal quarters into a mini holodeck?
Shaving to keep cool?
Neediest Pet Rodent?
It's hilarious how they are treating a single joint as if it was meth