Has the presence of a Genestealer cult been disproven yet, or is the possibility of a new enemy faction still in the air?

Putting aside the evidence that suggests the presence of a Genestealer cult somewhere deep in Tertium, I understand that it is not uncommon for Fatshark to present more than one faction of enemies to fight against. In Vermintide 2 for example, you had the Skaven, Worshippers of Nurgle and the Beastmen. In Darktide, I've often wandered what new faction they would add to the game.

Any other chaos/heretic aligned faction would make little to no sense, provided that Nurgle worshippers have already deeply set their roots in Tertium and, let's be honest, other chaotic factions would be significantly harder to fight off.

Eldari are another idea I've seen thrown around, but beyond circumstantial reference to their existence I seriously doubt we'll be fighting any kind of elves in Darktide.

Truth be told, it makes the most sense to me to have a Genestealer Cult imbedded in Tertium, possibly who knows how many years in the making, but disrupted by Nurgle's presence and disruption of the local population (and, by association, local source of reproduction and nutrition). There are already many hints in-game via voicelines that hint to the existence of a Genestealer Cult somewhere on the planet, that Grendyl is probably even dealing with this incursion on the other side of the planet, or that we even may have infiltrators inside the warband (besides heretics).

My question essentially boils down to this: is there any legitimacy to the idea that Genestealers may be added to the game as a separate faction? I personally would love the opportunity to fight Tyranids in close quarters, especially with a certain other Warhammer 40k title that just came out (I'm not allowed to name it), it gives me an itch to satisfy my xenophobic tendencies on a more... Personal level. I think it would be in Fatshark's best interest to go this way, too, provided how much they seem to have been teasing it over the years, but maybe that's just wishful thinking.