Has the presence of a Genestealer cult been disproven yet, or is the possibility of a new enemy faction still in the air?
How do I fix this?
Objectively Correct Tierlist Of LL Hotness
Am I doing something wrong or are the Illuminate just the worst faction to fight against?
[TOMT] [Movie] [2000s] A movie that features a group of children in a small town that quickly becomes the center of attention thanks to an alien fugitive that managed to escape after a train crash
My carry looking at his minimap
[TOMT] [PC GAME] [YOUTUBE VIDEO] [2010s] A game where you need to throw objects to see your surroundings
I think this is the most I've gotten a faction to hate me
It appears even the helicopters have begun running on anomalous energy
Make no attempt at subtlety... Instantly lose the mission.
How do I unfuck myself? (Heavy story spoilers)
Just got done upgrading my PC, but my system won't recognize the new 4TB SSD I installed.
[TOMT] [YOUTUBE] [2000-2010(?)] A series where a bunch of dudes play with Mario dolls (the whole cast) and go on adventures across their house
Found an easter egg in the Zone!
What just happened?
Is there a way to get the "Unkown Stalker's AR416" if the NPC dies?
So why does shooting down dropships still not kill the carried troops?
The stalwart is underrated, change my mind
Mods are a blessing to this game
I thought of a grand(ish)-scale RTS games where 2 (or more) players are interlocked in a tug of war over positions of interest in an attempt to achieve victory by any means possible
This game practically invented funny ragdolls
I felt very proud of this
Presenting a new damage type: Acid! (just an idea I came up with, sorry if it's already been done)
Why does the ground slam shockwave even exist?