Agent 65465 going sleeper.
It’s been real, I started with BBYM in 2012 the summer I turned 19 as a lead, moved over to GS within a year which lead to plenty of highs and lows. 1/3 of my career had been management of some kind and then about six years in when SAS closed (RIP 2748) went Project Team, then in home HT agent and eventually DA. Initially hoped to get onto the custom team at some point but honestly these days the stress far outweighs the love I have for the job. This company has been my home for over a decade; I’ve championed this company when people told me it was dying, I’ve been injured several times for this company and always felt taken care of. During my SAS days I even got hit by a car on my morning bike commute and my team was truly there for me. So while my exit may be bittersweet and my thoughts on the company as a whole have soured especially in the last year I’m leaving happy with the adventure.
I wouldn’t have the opportunity for my new career (hospital IT) had it not been for Geek Squad; and while I’m leaving just a few months shy of my 5 year badge, I’m excited nonetheless.
Agent Cooke, going sleeper.
It’s been real, I started with BBYM in 2012 the summer I turned 19 as a lead, moved over to GS within a year which lead to plenty of highs and lows. 1/3 of my career had been management of some kind and then about six years in when SAS closed (RIP 2748) went Project Team, then in home HT agent and eventually DA. Initially hoped to get onto the custom team at some point but honestly these days the stress far outweighs the love I have for the job. This company has been my home for over a decade; I’ve championed this company when people told me it was dying, I’ve been injured several times for this company and always felt taken care of. During my SAS days I even got hit by a car on my morning bike commute and my team was truly there for me. So while my exit may be bittersweet and my thoughts on the company as a whole have soured especially in the last year I’m leaving happy with the adventure.
I wouldn’t have the opportunity for my new career (hospital IT) had it not been for Geek Squad; and while I’m leaving just a few months shy of my 5 year badge, I’m excited nonetheless.
Agent Cooke, going sleeper.