Two questions (Dan Flashes shirt?!)
Username offensive warnings
Nazis on I-40?! WTF?!?
Can Bestbuy legally do this?
Rip Teams
Spotted [M]y wife’s hot cousin [F] in porn vids…
Former DA HT here who got out with some advice
As if working the holidays couldn’t get worse
Shots fired downtown
Crime scene at Stephens Lake Park?
Fuzzy but cute
Logboat should be reducing their plastic packaging like this
Police Shooting Carter Lane.
Yet another Thanos Snap
Meeting on Monday
Best of luck today, field agents 🫡
Best buy total tech won't mount TV on "outside wall"??
Old people.
Store wide employee planned theft and management will do nothing about it
How Kosher would this be
Total Tech Changes: Just become Costco
Badge cameo in new LTT video
Agent 65465 going sleeper.
THIS exists, just so you know 🤣 Eye of the Tiger for Christians.
Y’all seen anything like this in your stores? Just was given this as my “HW” for my next shift tomorrow