So sick of constantly inviting and never being invited

I swear to God it's so fucking depressing realizing none of your friends ever initiate plans with you. Genuinely, it's so humiliating and disheartening and I feel like I endure my back getting broken by straw after straw after straw. Oh you just suck at making plans!! Haha no that's fine it's okay!! I'll be the one to ask, to figure out how to make our schedules work, to think of something you'd like to do, oh wait you just cancelled and have stopped even saying you're sorry! Awesome!!!!!!!!!

I get you have a job, I get you're training for a marathon, I get your family is way too involved in your life, I get all of that, but clearly you don't actually fucking like me at all because I seem to be the one person you don't mind disappointing. I listen to you complain about the girls you hang out with who are "flaky" or "overly needy" which is doubly insulting considering you are the only person who flakes on me like this, and considering how you're still more willing to spend time with your clingy friend that you've admitted you don't LIKE because she whines more!!!

And maybe it's my fault, cause I'm always super understanding and so sorry that work has been so busy, and maybe it's just a case of the squeaky wheel getting the grease, but it fucking sucks to KNOW you're the lowest possible priority!!! I don't want to bitch and whine that you never make time for me, I'm not your partner, I don't want to fight or humiliate myself any further. I just want a friend who actually wants to see me!!

I'm not so obtuse as to not notice if someone is just putting up with me. I have no interest in pushing friendships with people that don't like me. But to say you miss me, that you value our friendship, that I mean a lot to you, that's we click so well, and then to constantly cancel is such bullshit.

And I KNOW the answer to this is "well you're obviously not actually good friends with this person, you should just drop them and find new people" but HOW!!!!!!!!! HOW DO YOU MEET NEW PEOPLE AS AN ADULT WITHOUT SPENDING A TON OF MONEY ON CLASSES OR CLUBS???? I know "my people" are out there but they're fucking paywalled. Genuinely, I like this girl and it's rare to find someone I click with, and we have so much fun when we're together, but it's just so hurtful and exhausting to be so easily dismissed. And maybe if it wasn't so hard to meet new people I WOULDN'T stay friends with her, maybe this would be enough of a deal breaker in that case.

But while she's definitely the worst, so many people are like this. I know adult life is different and busy and hard and weeks go by without realizing it, but I just end up spiraling and wondering what the fuck I'm doing wrong when I see everyone else surrounded by friends that love them and prioritize them. I know I'm being a whiny bitch in this post, but this is months of disappointments being unleashed. Am I totally unlovable? I have all the tools to know that I'm being defeatist and spiraling about it, but that doesn't stop me from feeling this way.

I'm just so sick of it. I want to just snap and tell her that if she thinks of me as a friend at all, then she's being a really shitty one. But I won't. Not this time, not the last time, and probably not the next one. Woohoo