i’m so goddamn sick of ppl who think skinny shaming is as bad as fat shaming
Changing email in app?
What John Mulaney quotes are now part of your mulingo? Mulabulary if you will
Looking for perfume that smells like this?
So sick of constantly inviting and never being invited
Most affordable Esthetician school in the San Diego County are
First time buyer question
Looking for a movie that feels like a warm hug.
What’s the most overrated movie everyone seems to love?
Rewatching ratfish
Tried falafel heights after seeing it recommended here
I got made fun of all of middle and high school for my nose. It’s my biggest insecurity, should I get the bump straightened?
i think black cherry cloud paint turned me into a jane austen heroine
Nuwa hanfu experience?
Best foundation for fair olive skin?
WHY do Pixel 9 phones SCRATCH SO EASILY!?!?!?!?
Holy shit - "My girlfriend is devilishly sweet" revealed an autistic aro-ace character!!!
which concept photos made your jaw drop to the floor?
Tried to update
new leaf, visit other towns.
You and I are Polar Opposites will be ending with chapter 65 in two weeks
Who are the best dual threats (singer and dancer) out there?
Let's share our tastes: comment your top 5 b-sides of your favorite group(s)
I wish more people were aware of how vile this behavior is.
cameron is so shittily written