Yevade re-release. March 21st.
What was the 1st game you remember playing on a desktop computer?
What video game have you put the most amount of time into?
Looking for a movie that feels like a warm hug.
I Constantly Fantasize About Being a Famous Hollywood Director, and It's Making Me Miserable
Lucia Sketch
Summer ahead - 15% Hike on Beer
Here's the Highest Wicketakers and Run Scorers of the Series
I give up too easily. How do I change this?
What other people your age have,but you don't have?
Oak Green Porsche 928 🌿
How Old Were You When You Were First Introduced To The GTA Game?
What is the first GTA game you have played for the first time?
Why is it difficult to make friends as an adult?
Feeling Lost and Lonely in College