Plateauing please help
I don’t know what more I can do. I have tried cutting multiple times this past year and I can’t seem to lose weight. I am 21M 5’7 190lbs at around 18-20% body fat, I only know that because I had the opportunity to do a bod pod measure in my major. I eat around 2,000-2,100 calories to try and be in a deficit since my maintenance had been 2,400-2,500 calories. I consider myself pretty beefy since I have been lifting for years now but I can’t seem to lose any fat. It’s affecting my mental health and I would just like to lean down so I can feel better about myself and not feel guilty if I started bulking again. Does anyone have any tips or ideas as to why this is the case in struggling with weight loss? I try to walk 10k steps a day especially since I intend with the football team for my college which is a very active job. I bike everywhere in town and workout 5 days a week. I even like going on runs 2 times a week. No matter what I can’t seem to lose any fat. My goal is to reach 160-165lbs but I can’t seem to stay below 190 EVER. Any advice would be much appreciated please and thank you