Plateauing please help
Who’s staying for spring break?
How can I get started? Please help
Need job advice
Seeking advice please on being a trainer
I want to move out of Florida
feels like i've wasted my time somehow
Shot in the dark but funny
cmon bb
He unadded me on Venmo 😂😂😭
For those that have gone 3 months or longer no contact
NC but in the same small city
They don’t deserve your time
Where do UF male students go for good haircuts?
Isn’t it weird
I got the opportunity to talk to her on the phone and tear her to pieces and it made me feel 10 times better
Did hooking up helped you getting over your ex?
If your ex messaged you today and asked how you’re doing, would you message back or block him?
Get them back!
Do girls ever regret a breakup down the line? Especially if they said really nasty things right after it?
How do you recognize and handle manipulative people?
almost full 3 months after break up
How common is the dumper getting into another relationship really quickly? How common is the dumpee getting into a rebound?
How can I study weed
How do you deal with a vengeful ex?