D&C 19. Joseph Smith claiming revelation to bully Martin Harris to pay for Book of Mormon.

If you track the history, by this time Martin Harris had already lost the 116 pages. OliverCowdery had helped Joseph Smith 'finish' his 5,+ year project of the book of Mormon translation, and now Joseph Smith was hanging with the whitmer family sucking off of their generosity and foolish belief that he was an inspired man.

Joseph needed Martin Harris's money so he laid on the revelation and spiritual guidance stuff super thick to convince him.

And this is where the dubious 3 and 8 witness statements come from which the church has admitted most likely were concoted and experts have surmised the signatures were probably forged by J. Smith or Oliver Cowdery.

When you read d/c 19....it's so obvious. Joseph Smith was a master manipulator and Charlatan of the highest degree. He used Martin Harris. Make sure and bring this up during the lesson this week because it should be mentioned.