Why are there more single than married persons in the church today? Has the church failed in it's primary mission of creating families?
The Gospel vs The Church
Is appropriate for a prophet of God and his Apostles, who claim to be special witnesses of the savior, to sell books with spiritual messages? Should the man who speaks for God charge money to hear it?
I'm hearing all this talk that the second coming is near..that the Savior will come again in the 2030s cuz that's 2000 years after his death. Anyone else hearing this?
The Irony of Selling “Spiritual Protection” Behind a $20 Paywall | The Antichrist Playbook
The overwhelming evidence does not support the Mormon/LDS claims about the Book of Mormon's historicity and the evidence indicates Joe Smith was a fraud and worse.
I stopped paying tithing, don't care about the temple and told my bishop I just want to come on Sunday and enjoy the sacrament and lesson. No ministering, no callings. And I'm 1000% happier and more fulfilled in my life.
Elder QL Cook testimony
Cannot believe the words coming out of their mouth. This opinion about wanting to sin and not follow Jesus and why you don't fit in the church is such an insult. These guys are tool bags of highest degree.
D&C 19. Joseph Smith claiming revelation to bully Martin Harris to pay for Book of Mormon.
Adjunct Professor indicted for manslaughter
Why does my ward youth program do virtually no service projects but has at least four temple trips a year?
What's your view on Mormon Radio?
LDS Podcaster says he goes to the temple in order to commit less crime. Wait, what?
What should I show my Tbm husband first? He's into "legit" sources.
Why do good things happen to bad people?
Bushman thinks that Joseph changing history about the seer stones is justified because he “didn’t want to look silly”
Is truth is so incredibly fragile that it can't survive examination?
"Promises" by apostles & etc
The Fanny Alger Affair and answers to the evidence that it was a sexual encounter (or encounters).
I think I made a mistake.
Kimball, 1974: "I am asking for missionaries who have been carefully indoctrinated"
"Our side will settle for a draw"
Is there any good reason why Joseph Smith couldn't show everyone the golden plates?
"Every time I masturbated, I had to go tell a petroleum geologist about it."