Here's an example of Joseph being a Master Manipulator
Wilford Woodruff fabricated the Red Handkerchief story
Still wondering if we’ve seen these manifestations yet
This "religion" wastes everyones time and energy, do tell me your experiences with church, what made your shelf break?
Has anyone else seen the band of brothers spin off where lieutenant Nixon participates in top secret cryogenic freezing experiment, and decides to finally give up the booze?
Mormon folklore or fact?
Bushman thinks that Joseph changing history about the seer stones is justified because he “didn’t want to look silly”
Did the BofM Name Kishcumen come from the Kiskiminetas River near Pittsburgh?
Church of Jesus Christ asks local children's Primary groups to plan yearly service projects
America Prime Evil
CES Letters Podcast Now “Study and Faith”
Why did Joseph Smith rely so little on the Book of Mormon after its publication? A simple reason.
Jacob Hansen of "Thoughtful Faith" is a disingenuous troll.
What was Joseph Smith’s everyday life like, specifically those four years, when he was waiting for God to say he was ready and worthy enough to receive the plates?
Who here has read or listened to “The Righteous Mind” by Jonathan Haidt?
Have there been any Mormon groups similar to David Koresh's Branch Davidians?
Saw this video online and it freaked me out. I thought to post it here. Is this a realistic behavior to expect from Mormons?
"And my father dwelt in a tent." Why doesn't this say "We dwelt in a tent"?
I noticed a few interesting details on a Nehem map
I took the Nahom Challenge (Refuting the apologetics of Lehi's Journey through Arabia)
Apologetics, Disaffirming Reality, & Bias
Best Mormon stories episodes?
It's not doubt, it's humility.
This atheist visits different churches. He describes how morose an LDS testimony meeting was.
The church is actively destroying its own culture