Saliva From Dog

Hello everyone, I have read the FAQ. I am a hypochondriac and I have been stressing about this all day long.

I live in NY state. This morning, I asked the owner of an adorable pitbull if I could pet his dog, and he said yes, so I did. The dog did NOT bite or scratch me, and he was quite nice and happy and affectionate. He did, however, slobber all over my pants in multiple spots. He was really drooling. And it looked like his saliva was a bit brown -- maybe he had thrown up before?

After I pet the dog, I used a tissue to clean up the slobber from my pants. However, I have dry hands, and I have a dry skin cut that bleeds on and off and stings with alcohol. I believe the tissue with his saliva touched the wound.

I have been really stressed all day long. Should I get the vaccine? Is there even a risk? I would appreciate any input.

Thank you.