Update to Last Post about Dog Saliva
Early 20s - Forgetting Events Completely, Shocked To Learn I Did Them...
Saliva From Dog
Have any of you come to peace with the thought of nothingness after death?
Does anyone else notice these things
Feeling hyper aware of my body
my psychiatrist suggested i go off bupropion cold turkey...
finding it weird that i am a person ... anyone else?
meds question
Anyone else more anxious because of all the anti trans stuff
i can't
Which ACNH character do you prefer?
how to deal with intrusive thoughts about death
ACNH similar games?
Celebrate NYE on Breezy Bay
How do I deal with the guilt of living?
Have you tried medication?
constant feeling of despair, anyone else?
how to deal with jealousy of others living normally?
eminem epic value question
i wanna stop my meds on my own
Emotionally limited and more depressed after 4 weeks of Zoloft , can it get better?
Feeling more demotivated on a higher dose of sertraline
Fucking help.