flying to me and chewing me
got the little shit to step up
Did squeak ever recharge his own super?
She keeps squeeking like this non-stop, Is there a way to make her more quiet?
Let's gooo
Cockatiel is suddenly hyperactive?
Just got this new abnormality. How the HELL do I deal with this dude?
Jak him immediately
Help, he just has one foot
A tier list of the monsters based of how would they do as pets.
Everybody please shame Zuzu. We spent $480 at the vet to find out that she just over ate and regurgitated food.
What's your version of "I did not care for the Godfather" for My Singing Monsters?
jimmy from mouthwashing
Next step in taming cockatiels?
I adopted these two 2 days ago, I am planning to buy them toys and everything, But I feel like the cage is too small for the two of them, Should I start looking for a better and larger cage?
Question about taming 2 birds
Anime memes except it's just me playing 7-1
Question about taming cockatiels as a beginner.
what is this sound
Only one more Ryoshu :)
Drake the type of silly Lucy goosey to run like this when a attractive woman waves him over.
Hello, I am planning to purchase a cockatiel, And I was wondering if this cage that I had laying around is good enough for a cockatiel or should I find a better one, Should I keep it or buy a new one?
He reminded me of someone
Thet Unchanging (Canro 4) Thoughts