Run this prompt on 4o; "Based on everything you already know about me, profile me"
How much should a parent advocate for further testing?
We are five Irish lads road tripping US this month. Is this route realistic for 27 days in our rented 30ft RV?
Start up struggle when cold after coming back from road trip
Starter relay
Replaced spark plugs and need new ignition coils
Within the budget of $7k, which SUV car is the best in term of reliability?
Do all 2nd gen Honda fits have the loosening spark plugs issue?
Wow i added 100k. Up to 220k.
SHOULD I BUY? 2015 Honda fit EX Hatchback 4D Standard
TIL clover used to be part of every lawn as it was cheap and easy to maintain. After WWII pesticide companies declared it a weed and until recently it's been removed from laws.
Upset about the switch to CreditKarma
Object in top left?
Confused by what's not included in the change over
Don't be afraid of the minivan
Should I go with G9II or S5II? Need some serious suggestions here
Is my wife being overdramatic?
2007 honda fit bucking on acceleration
Where are the most ecologically intact places to go backpacking?
Hello darkness my old friend
2008 Honda Fit spark plug ejected
Anyone else think Brandon Stark is possessed by Brendan Rivers/Three eyed raven, and that everything was a plot to sit on the iron throne?
What's the Scariest Disease you've heard of?
This tattoo removal
Anyone else obsessed with Dynasty?