How they should have moved Harry in deathly hallows if Rowling didn’t want us to witness an epic chase!
How would you move Harry in the beginning of DH?
Where do Harry and Ginny end up living?
If Voldemort "had no body" after first failing to kill Harry, how did he keep or take his wand? 🧐
Bro is making me ever more suspicious of his secret identity
What are your honest thoughts about Ginny?
Why isn’t Mark training everything 24/7? Does he think he’s…
Bro is making me ever more suspicious of his true identity….
Who is objectively the worst written character in all of the Harry Potter series?
A Bloody Battle
Who said the 3x07 quote?
Is This An Error In POA?
subtle foreshadowing
"We've taken what you'll sorely miss"
I posted this 365 days ago. Here is what has happened since.
Middle-earth Strategy Battle Game – Give the enemies of Azog™ a taste of boulder with the Gundabad Catapult Troll™. - Warhammer Community
Could Conquest have been defeated ‘conventionally’ by a Mark, Immortal, Oliver, techjacket, powerplex team up?
What do you think lucius' life was like after the 2nf wizarding war?
Tolkien ABCs Day 11: K
Does my basing seem off to you?
Why didn’t brom heal himself? Is he dumb?
Why Lupin and Tonks fell in love…
What perks do you think Harry got after he defeated Voldemort?
Bro is obsessed
Eve vaporized it😭😭