Cool Feet - Burning Desire (1976)
What do y'all think of Night Sun?
What are some examples of metal-looking album covers by non-metal musicians?
Wikipedia Questions - Weekly Thread of January 06, 2025
[TOMT][SONG NAME][1970S] Hard rock song with "ride" in the chorus
And so we close off this list with TSOTSC as 27 letters also wins by default! Thank you all for participating in this mini competition and have a happy new year ahead!
A bit of a heavy heart that all chances for Sabotage got sabotaged, but SBS is a great bloody pick as well! Now for our final match since 21 and 24 letters win by default, who is going to triumph for 25 letters?
AAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Our first non-Ozzy/Dio song deservingly makes it on the list! Now for the best 20-letter Sabbath song? This one's going to be very tough.
Did I even need to ask this?? The Children of the Grave have risen to take the spot for 18 letters! Now for the best 19-letter Sabbath song!
Jerusalem - Kamikaze Moth (1972)
Fourth win fittingly enough for Vol. 4! Now what about the best 18-letter Sabbath song?
Oh look… it's a bird! It's a plane! Oh wait, it's fairies wearing boots!!! Narrowing it down to only four (4) choices this time, what is the best 17-letter Sabbath song?
Electric Funeral overtakes Lord of This World marginally! Now best 16-letter Sabbath song?
Tomorrow's Dream became reality to win 14 letters! Now best 15-letter Sabbath song?
Heaven and Hell locked in! Now for the best 14-letter Sabbath song?
What is your favourite music/video game combination?
Of course, it had to be it — (Black Sabbath)^3, the one that literally started it all! Now best 13-letter Sabbath song?
And the other 31 songs got sucked Into the Void this round! Now, what about the best 12-letter Sabbath song?
The Hand of Doom gripped its competitors tight here! Now for the most difficult round this entire tournament, what is the best 11-letter Sabbath song?
I was expecting Sweet Leaf to win this round, but Supernaut is an awesome choice as well!! Best 10-letter Sabbath song?
I was a bit disappointed that Die Young did not win, but we all knew who'd take the place anyways. Best 9-letter Sabbath song?
No need to double-think here, as War Pigs wins the war for 7 letters! Now best 8-letter Sabbath song?
Third Dio song on the list, as Voodoo wins! Best 7-letter Sabbath song?
What Iron Maiden lyrics are you going to have on your tombstone?
A bit of a tight round right here, but Gypsy from TE surprisingly takes the spot! Now best 6-letter Sabbath song?