Anyone else dealing with ligament laxity?
What is the worst case scenario with instability? Can you be paralyzed or anything like that?
Can others "see" your instability/head wobble?
My instability symptoms are worse when I wake up and better at night. Could this indicate anything?
Cervical Instability
Does this sound like CCI? My experience + full list of symptoms
Dr C, how safe is it to do this for cci? It seems to help me a little but afraid to overdo it
Is 2000€ a normal price for a two-day NUCCA assessment and treatment?
Are trapezius trigger point injections helpful/safe for cervical instability?
Seeing chiropractor after PRP?
ETD from forward head posture?
Persistent Dizziness 24/7
You look fine. Your tests are fine. Must be all in your head
Why did U.S.A become an asshole?
Does anyone here also have sleep apnea and wear CPAP? What are your strategies for managing the face mask?
Muscle weakness and twitching
Me to my doc
10hr flight with neck issues
Cervical Kyphosis + Chin Tucks- what's the verdict??
Does this indicate sciatica and can it explain my calf/leg pains?
Help, numbness in calf after violent twitching In left leg
Horrific sleep issues
Extreme shooting pain down the left leg sent me to the ER. Almost out of nowhere, the pain broke and now my left foot is numb and weak. Anyone have a similar experience?