Consulting is destroying my soul: how do I get out? (Consulting in AU)
ADHDers, do you “abandon” yourselves?
Alternative for L’Oreal True Tint for someone who doesn’t love L’Oreal
I have zero willpower but a lot to do - help!
How to be more direct at work after years of masking??!
Is it just me or is going back to the office REALLY HARD?
I've lost all ambition.
I’m being micromanaged and I’m struggling
Have you told your boss/work that you have ADHD? If so, did things get better after disclosure?
Emotional regulation in highly political work environment
Fired from job I love
I have a 1500 word essay due tomorrow and have barely started
i got fired because of my adhd
How to deal with hypersensitivity?
Fired from an RA position for poor performance
How do I stop hyperfixating on work?
University student who chronically does nothing about assignments, tasks, or even handing in time off sheets to work because "I don't need to do it nooooow", how did people in similar situations get themselves disciplined?
Emotional dysregulation in corporate