Am i really this bad of a swimmer?
Are these pants too short?
Which kick is most optimal to go as far as possible underwater while holding my breath with bi-fins?
Why are roundabouts so hard for you?
Daily Free Talk & Armchair GM Thread
What is oxymoron
Is a Polo with Jeans a Good Outfit or Does It Give Off “Dad Vibes?”
What is your favorite word?
Naked at Bay to Breakers - AMA
Why do I enjoy sprinting so much?
Past tense of the English verb sew
WTW for something that casts a shadow?
Is it "deep seated" or "deep seeded"
What's the best bag/wearing combo to make getting changed to and from swimming the easiest?
This is such a dumb debate I've never gotten past. Various meanings of "contract"
What do you wear under a quarter zip?
Finalist at job interview: What suit to wear in 2025?
Can't Get This Stuff No More and Me Wise Magic are the best and most underrated songs of the whole VH catalog
Got some new casual pants and i am loving the fit. what do you think?
"Nonplussed": what?
Why do you think Canadians pronounce about "aboot"?
tell me your fav Van Halen song :)
Is there a word for a thing that has no beginning but has an end?