Imbued heart drop rate - it’s way too rare
Very strange issue with installing mods
I hate sleeping with my husband
Q-word superstition
I never ran out of the wildy so fast in my life
Gotr changes
Finally got it and hated every moment of it...
Seeking advice on how best to advance in EMS
Loot from 70 something to 99 Thieving at Master Farmers. Worth it?
Seeking advice on continuing upwards with EMS
Should I have called 911?
I'm confused about the GOTR combination rune method. Help me understand?
Don't forget to train your prayer guys
Embarrassed today
I think I just saved a man’s life because I knew how to 1t flick
Lizardman Shamans are pain, but I am not going to wait for buffed rates before I do my slayer task
Does anyone carry med gear in their bunker gear?
I believe snoring is the cause for divorce
Loot from 150 Kree'arra kills
Well, this happened couple days ago
Getting a !ref error on secondary sheet when deleting columns from primary sheet
Need Tattoo Help
Sitter fed dogs grapes
Based off this how old am I ? No cheating
Does this sound rude?