What is the second best Beatles song?
/uj they peaked with jugband blues
The who’s happiest/nicest/cuddly song?
What’s a Beatles song title you relate to?
Abbey Road B-Side Medley: An Interpretation
Let it Be appreciation thread.
Title tracks that are neither at the start or at the end of a side
Bob Dylan was the first rapper
I watched the odd James Bond movies
Pink Floyd is a literal cheat to winning this game
Favorite John Lennon solo album?
If God had not wanted Man to rub the cat's belly
/uj Where was 'The Final Cut' supposed to go on The Wall?
What do people hate about Maxwell's Silver Hammer?
What is the first thing you do when you wake up?
What unpopular opinion are you defending this way
What's your opinion on You Only Live Twice's title drop?
Lego Dr. No
Opinions on "Wonderwall Music"?
Me when I don't know anyone that likes my favorite band (I'm antisocial and my favorite band is the biggest band of all time)
Most eargasmic moment in a song, ever?
I'm as old as License To Kill. Tell me how old you are with the Bond film that came out the year or around the time you were born
Keef's "Coke" Shirt - Anybody know what this kind of shirt is called or where I can find one?
What is your favourite Beatles album?