Need to loose 5kg…
There’s people dying but sure this is more important
How do Brits react to Asians?
Elena is insufferable
DAE anyone else get a weird feeling when they think their friends don’t want to be their friends anymore ?
Can’t hide it I think I’m done
Who do they choose? Damon or Stefan?
Caroline has been eliminated!!
Season 5 Stelena
Taylor is known to do a lot of promo with target I wonder if this will change things
Damon didn't care about Elena's quality of life
Rewatching and I can't believe anyone liked damon.
How long does a background check ?
what is a bizarre beauty standard that you’re pretty sure someone just made up out of nowhere?
You guys ever feel like things are kind of hopeless?
What are the Worst TVD Seasons and Why?
Are there ways I can watch other seasons of the vampire diaries?
I feel like if they wanted a tenured person then maybe the wage should reflect that ?
They actually think this is a feminist “fuck the patriarchy” moment
What are your opinions/takes on The Vampire Diaries Season 1???
Why do people get so mad when others critique