and you thought double farrah floors were bad
May I distract you from Drew's broad chest to this bird guy
Ollie will get meta form
New Version Preview: Lost Sands | Dislyte
Meta-Anubis Drew supplement pics
How Rare Are Shimmers
What do people think of Fatima
What In The Hell Is This
game glitched and gave me frog legs 🐸
Who did you get for your standard banner guaranteed?
F2P Evelyn does no damage
Trigger OR Vivian?
Please be honest with me about what you see, guys.
should I pull on anby or Burnice
Meta Drew confirmed?
Can we talk about how eye-burningly red Elif's hair is?
What did I miss? Why is Gaius listed as a Shadow Decree Councillor?
new va opinions
Pac-Man mini game incoming?
When did we get so close with Trigger?
Let me iiiiiiiiiin.
Why does everyone seem to act like Anby liking burgers is her entire thing?
Sad day for Eng Dub enjoyers
The EN voices for Lycaon and Soldier 11 have been recast
I have the ws to r5 n the reso boxes to r6 but I kinda want to save the boxes for Sloan or sujue (does elif really need r6 or is r5 fine)