NEW CLASS CONFIRMED what will it be? - Space Marine 2
Poor dude in my bed
What light speed bundle does everyone want next
How to be a better son?
WTf is this
Naval Warfare Album concept
Dark flow. Revert the flame extinguish mechanic for tanks.
I want to see full Heretic Astartes customization in SM3
Type Hei Rifles (5 round, 10 round gold order, and automatic) cause targets to become invisible while firing.
Name a more controversial song.
Saw a couple people doing this and decided to join in. As for the "Overrated X" categories, it's songs I think are overrated but aside from that, that is what I would put it in.
Has anyone tried the Blocking Artificer Power Sword with Assault?
Come on my Silmarillion family lets relive some trauma together ♥♥♥
Te-4 or Type 100 MG?
Idea for tier 4 or 5 machine gun
How can people not like this game? Multiplayer is amazing.
How is it we can have Horus who turns into Horus ascended but not the emperor?
Servers dead?
Petahhhhh what’s going on here?
Mini event is swords!
What do you think this map will be called?
Why don't I have the lethal helmet even though I've done more than enough lethal operations?
One of the lyrics of all time
Why does this captain wear a white helmet? Is it a special thing only for 1st companies?
What chapter(s) do you guys run on your classes?