AITA for Not Forcing My Daughter to Be More Independent?
I don't to be a part of your child's learning experience
AITA for refusing to forgive my mother after what she did at my wedding?
What is the childfree gang up to this morning?
WIBTAH if I don’t gift my boyfriend a blanket I’m crocheting for him because he ignored an update on the blanket?
FIL doesn’t want to attend our rehearsal dinner
AITA for telling my boss that if she wants this little girl to be suspended, she can tell the parents herself
How would you guys have handled this situation?
AITAH for leaving my ex because he dislikes my dog?
My mom doesn’t like the venue and is giving me ultimatums
WIBTA If I didn't invite my brother to my wedding?
AITA for attempting to bar my girlfriend from attending a snow themed lewd photoshoot?
Aita? For not leaving the plants when I said I would causing a class to be cancelled
AITA for letting my friends walk to my car?
AITA for still not wanting marriage, even though she knew that, and is now really upset about it?
Wedding Dinner - Who Pays?
AITAH for not talking about my past with my boyfriend and now he wants to break up?
AITA for telling my ex that I wouldn’t care if he d*ed?
AITA for laughing when my dad's wife's sister humiliated her and made her cry?
AITA for refusing to pay for my daughter’s lavish wedding after she disowned her brother for being gay?
I got invited to a "Welcome to the Village" party
AITH for telling my trans friend I support them, but respectfully have different beliefs?
I’m a matron of honor. I love my friend but don’t support the wedding. WWYD?
Partner (M31) wants me (F30) to choose between him and the dog
AITAH for Not Serving as Much Food as I Know My Dinner Guests Will Want to Eat?