I’ve been thinking a lot about how different Sims 4 and Sims 3 feel. In some ways, Sims 4 looks better, but does it actually play better? What do you all think is the biggest improvement or the biggest downgrade between the two?
I thought this was a sad newspaper until today
Some Sims 4 features get a lot of hype but feel underwhelming once you play with them. On the flip side, some things don’t get enough credit. What’s your pick for the most overrated and underrated gameplay feature?
I’ve heard rumors that Sims 5 might have an online multiplayer mode… would you actually play it if it was online-only? Personally, I love the idea of co-op but hate always-online games. Thoughts?
"Serious question: How many of you actually play the game vs just build houses or just always in CAS? I swear, I spend more time in CAS than actually controlling my Sims. Is this a problem, or is it just The Sims experience now?
Okay, but why don’t we have a proper Generations pack yet? Parenthood was nice, but Sims 4 is missing so much depth for elders, kids, and family gameplay. We need boarding schools, mid-life crises, funerals, and more! Who agrees?
If EA gave you full control over Sims 4 for one day, what’s the first thing you’d fix or change? No budget limits, no excuses—just pure wish fulfillment. Personally, I’d add open world back immediately!
I feel like Sims players fall into 3 categories: builders, storytellers, and chaos players. Which one are you? I try to build beautiful houses but always end up locking my Sims in the basement for ‘experiments’ 😂
Okay, serious question—what’s the most overrated Sims 4 expansion pack? I swear, people hyped up wedding stories, and it turned out to be a huge disappointment. If you could refund ONE pack, which one would it be
Are Mods the Only Thing Keeping Sims 4 Alive? Be honest , if we didn’t have mods, would The Sims 4 even be playable? EA relies so much on the modding community to fix things they should be doing themselves. It’s kind of embarrassing when modders drop bug fixes faster than official patches. Thoughts?
Is It Just Me or Are Sims Dumber Than Ever? I swear, Sims used to have some understanding. Now they just stand around, ignore fire alarms, and forget to take care of themselves. Half my Sims die from stupidity, and I’m convinced they got dumber after recent patches 😂 Anyone else noticing this?
What's the Craziest Sim Death You've Ever Had? I just lost my Sim in the most ridiculous way—a rabbit attacked them in Cottage Living, and I had no idea that was even possible 😂 What’s the wildest or funniest way your Sims have died?
What a blowout
It's okay to let the professionals write these things.