Favorite character who came out the year you were born
Which one are you picking?
I’m sobbing over this image lmao 😭
Which of the Tiny Warios pull out the banner that says "FASTER"?
They told me this was a place
Where do I post my Mii reaction images?
oooh this is a story bout a guy named al
What the hell is this nameless guy talking about? Who the hell is this guy?
How different Sonic characters play RPGs
mime gamzee
Which form of Edd is best
If Tails was in the Eggman Empire... [Art by roxazure]
Favorite villain who is basically this?
I have a slight crush on Mona. Roast me, I dare you.
Regina berry (by バピ夫 )
Blursed bath
Favorite character. That’s it, no gimmick!
Name the game
Blud thinks he's part of the team
Which boss would you choose if there was a new dlc world?
Describe your favorite character as badly as you can and let others people guess it
I drew my pfp
Here are 2 antimemes I made
Roses are red captain underpants goes tralala