It should be illegal to make a mod this cute bro, I'm fucking swaying my legs in the air while lying on my bed
Dude I thought tencell died for a second 😭
Still awake cuz I was excited about the update and WHAT DO YOU MEAN I WAS BASICALLY RIGHT ABOUT THE TELAMON THING????
Lookie here, seems like our supposed collab update's gonna have a badge glove
Stupid shit made by me
Gravity posted this with no caption, theories?
brown gloves
Idk I just made this
Spy and Titan masteries ideas
That one voiceover meme on twitter
Posting a slap battles meme everyday, day 276
My attempt at a new legendary joker, note that I am not even close to an artist
Start of a LONG journey
Sigh [YES, IT'S V2 X J PORN. + another V1 x V thingy]
Plasma Deck at its finest
Jokers ordered by their consumablity
I don't even know the person but we exchanged some criticism toward the game, do yall agree?
Guys she knows, am i cooked
Alright, ill say it here and now. I have no masteries. AT. ALL.
Unfortunately I don't think I can export Catalog Avatar creations into Studio, but I can still pose them in the game so it's fine. So uhhhhh, Killstreak avatar ig
Came back from China, sooooo is there anything happen in this sudreddit during the whole week while I was gone-