The 20 most common conditions people claim PIP for. Personal independence payment claims for anxiety and depression have more than doubled since 2019, official statistics show
Waking up choking recently
I've been posting a lot but this really got my shit to calm down
Cambridge Flair
Flare after vaccine?
Im a KAS 🐟 with 22 y/o am I doing good?
Sunny cafe to work?
Isn’t this in Westfield? What happens to people like this? Have they faced any charges?
Idiots like these need to go to jail
Shingles vaccine
Doubt about Multiple Sclerosis and McDonald Criteria
The absolute state of TMJD treatment on the NHS in the UK...
Dry needling. Only one session in, and it has helped my jaw/neck more than almost anything I’ve tried.
£899 a month!
No b-cells after Rituximab
Do you get dizzy when standing up?
I finally submitted my first first-author paper and it got rejected
People in 40s living in HMOs
What is one word that people wrongly pronounce that makes your brain just wanna jump a cliff?
It took way longer than I expected, but I finally have my award confirmation letter!
Knobheads throwing chips and milkshake at people in Liverpool street station
Positive arthroscopy experience!
How do I accept that I'm going to be alone the rest of my life.
St Matthew's Gardens
"Do you all scurry outside clutching bloody tissues or dripping wet tampons? What about if you need to use a wet wipe on your bum does that get paraded loose through the house?" Drama in r/TenantsInTheUK after OOP reveals her live-in landlady bans sanitary pads from the shared bathroom bin
I'm "loosing" my mind reading reddit and realizing how many dumb ass people can't fucking spell "losing" correctly