Which was the first game you broke 1000+ hours of gameplay?
How long do you drive back to RTS
Whats a record you own you can't believe you found in the wild?
I love/hate this place
What do you think are the merc's worst fears?
Possibly the pettiest order yet
Number of stops
What artists do you own the most vinyl of?
shitty snipes gif 3 (pray that it loads)
Routes in rural kentucky be like
Weird texture appearing when I use shortstop. Only appears with minimum view model, wasn't there before.
Coach got arrested
What is the ultimate game to sink over 300+ hours into?
Impulse buys
I collected every Fortnite AI Bot's name from over 10,000 Matches Played
Best license plate so far
Bro is absolutely clueless
what mod is it?
You know the drill. What do I place. No NSFW!
Not too shabby for under $15
Why it's 8 euros
Look at the size of these bananas! (Banana for scale)
Brother what is this texture he looks like hes tortured