Why dont we have a SU15
How do you guys spot IR missiles
I'm *this* close to returning my 7900 XTX
Reclaimer Pilot weapons
Struggling to Enjoy Star Citizen – Too Many Bugs? Need Advice
What is your go to path for getting started post wipe?
Elon Musk calling Senator Mark Kelly, a former astronaut and Navy combat veteran, a traitor.
Do i need to upgrade my 12900k?
Throwback to when space looked like space, with actual stars(last pic i took yesterday)
The Liberal party of Canada is telling Canadians to be mad at the US only, but not CCP China
Here is where 1 billion USD, 13 years, and no publisher took this project under CIG leadership.
please for the love of good what tank has a gun so crazy hard hitting that 1 shot is almost every kill?
I’m aware PL-5Cs are better than AIM-9P-4s but they are not 1.0 BR better
I fell like the b1 lancer is one of the few strategic bombers that could actually work if gaijin modeled it in game.
Not getting rp
First match of the day
Great Britain, home of heavy tanks, but lacks of it in the game
9070XT - calm down
Responding To Dev Server Feedback Regarding Turret Baskets
Gaijin is a joke, Banned for making an Updated Bug report on the J-11B with 13 sources, 3 Book sources
Unused assets of War Thunder (
For anyone willing to help i have made an extensive Bug report regarding the J-11B as Gaijin refuse to believe its radar is any different than the NV0001 found in the Flanker https://community.gaijin.net/issues/p/warthunder/i/kjU3XejSDyIb
Gaijin closing a bug report withing 8 minutes, stating 5 sources 3rd party, Stating 4 Chinese state-owned Media sources is "Not enough info"