I asked AI to make Jeffy in real life
The Jokers
What would be a great UFO movie to make?
Meet Maple & Rowan, my first finches!!
Who's yours
I’m a writer and this is my office
Another of my original five birds has passed away when I got back from holiday...
Serious: Wasn’t there supposed to be a “world changing” archaeological announcement this week? I can’t find anything about it now.
Why is the media just not reporting on the whole “bombing safe containment” thing(in the US at least)
Which side would you pick?
What is everyone’s favorite album cover? I’ll go first:
Are morning alarm clocks safe for budgies? Can they cause heart attacks if theyre sleeping
My little buddy wants to say goo morning!
Wtf?? Got an ad on TV (fox news of course)
Seen a lot of people ask “who would you cast in a HL movie” so I’ll ask something new. What musicians would you cast in a HL Musical?
you are a director of HL movie, which one would you choose for G man ?
Let’s Discuss! FF Movies
I’m 20M, be honest does my bedroom appear girly?
What was your first Stephen King book and why?
What is an SCP game you want to see that hasn’t been made yet?
If you were a the core, what would you call yourself?
Trump has no plan to disclose shit
If you could have dinner with any artists whod you go out with and why?
should i open a budgie massage parlour?