Men complain about women dating bad boys yet men date horrible women
What guys really want
The quantity of marriages dont matter if the quality is shit.
Is this what guys really want?
What women really want
Highly promiscuous societies are often good for Low SMV men
Paternity tests should a standard part of the birthing process.
What's the ideal percentage?
Autistic women are not "better at masking"
If hypergamy exists, why are there so many couples which disprove it?
Everything being men's fault may be somewhat true, but THAT might not be men's fault.
Many women are against men aged 30+ dating below 25 years old women because apparently the brain doesn't stop developing till you are 25. This is a total myth that has no scientific backing at all and it shows that only red pillars aren't the only ones to promote fake science.
The average woman today is more privileged than the average man.
CMV Women are overly dramatic about viable dating options.
The idea that men are intimidated by successful women is mostly a myth.
Origins of the Manosphere
4B and MGTOW are the exact same.
CMV: just because she enjoys the sex doesn't mean you aren't using her for her body
Men need to start holding ourselves to a higher moral standard of decency
Are women who live in developed countries more picky and more careful about casual sex and dating and marriages than women from poorer countries?
Majority of "misandrists" are men.
What do you think of actual bad boys?
CMV: You should make Mr Boyfriend Material wait
Do you ask a woman her n count? Why or why not?
If men don't want to date women over 30 because they're jaded, bitter and have trouble pair bonding, wouldn't the same thing apply to men over 30?