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People who have stopped going to church, what made you stop?
Why are there so many awful Salesforce integrations?
Should we stop paying taxes?
Query Salesforce using SQL
With Agentforce, do people still need to learn flow????
Do yall think Kanye is just trolling or what?
Gen Z women. How are your dating lives?
Do most of your GenZ peers struggle with dating or is it a minority?
What positive thing does a red or blue state does so well well that even the other side has to admit it is doing a good job?
wake up, it’s time for your daily dose of politics
Enough of this politics bs what's 9+10?
Why everyone has problem with GenZ
Before 2025, Trump CRASHED the market eight times. 😠😠
Are beauty standards higher for our generation?
Do you drink alcohol?
What do y'all think about this?
Is the stock market crash and higher prices caused by his tariffs good or bad for Gen Z’s economic prospects in America?
Why did so many Gen Z dudes willingly vote for a recession?
47th president of the United States
Is there *any* reason brown rice cakes would be causing such an improvement in symptoms??
Why doesn’t anybody talk about Coconut Oil?