Rate the space
I'll guess your penis size based on your favorite kanye song
What's the most overrated things about being a teen girl?
What’s is Kanye’s most majestic song?
Which kanye song you think you simply cant goon to?
every kanye song ranked
guess my #4 (hint: WORLDWID3!)
If any of you are addicted to porn, read this?
Guess my #5
What’s a struggle you don’t think women fully understand about being a man?
Can we stop with all the nsfw?
what's the best song on every Kanye album?
Fav mascara rn?
ZERO chance anyone gets my #4
Is your username chosen or generated?
If you could bring back one artist from the dead to make one last album, who would it be?
If Kanye dies tomorrow, how are y'all gonna respond?
What video game(s) are you playing at the moment?
Send your favorite song
Do girls actually care about zodiac compatibility and signs
How did you make yourself look more attractive?
happy 10 years of ABYSS guys
How do you guys auto click?
Why do I always feel like girls tend to respond very different over messages?
Do yall still listen to Kanye’s music?