Mountains or Beach?
Yuki NO!!!
What did she mean by that?
freshman / senior
Sigh, what a shame. They're making Rent a gf season 7 instead
Monika went turbo
When you have to swallow this to inherit a power...
Mion is so adorable!!
New RAM causes black screen
The funniest part is nothing happens when you shoot at the windows
When I say Goodbye to Despair
Maybe I am horse
They look so cute together
When will it end?
I suddenly feel... cheerful
idk I thought it was funny
Which magic would you cast her curse upon your enemies?
Himiko is here to help: Which magic would you cast her curse upon your enemies?
Who Would You Choose? Your Friends, or Your Love?
My parents took me some sort of facility or lab as a kid for "testing", and lost conciousness. What kind of place was that?
Software absolutely worth buying?
My new monitor colors look so washed out compared to my old one
These girlfriends Rentarou have eventually gonna become...
I'm doing it if I see a spider next time
So real