If democracy is so great, then why don’t we use it for anything that works?
Marx's Thoughts on Bureaucracy
Something less crony capitalism and more like Singapore?
Libertarians, how do you feel about the fact that your ideology is essentially funded by billionaires?
Ukraine War - The Cause (please genuinely tell me where the lie is here if any)
The 'human nature' argument is the worst argument in favor of capitalism
Can we have the REAL discussion here? Enough of the BS. Is Democracy good?
Supporters of capitalism, are you against fascism? If so, what's your game plan to combat its resurgence?
“Work or Starve”
Why is MAGA still taken seriously in modern day Politics?
Do socialists even have confidence in a socialist America circa 2025?
If law and state police are violence, so is employer-side capitalism
Election Takes-Good and Bad
Socialists - a vote doesn't justify rights violations
All Capitalists Are Ignorant
United States Homelessness
"Trump Says the Country Is ‘Dying.’ The Data Says Otherwise." by Pinker and quoted excerpt which I think is particularly relevant to political active Americans and generally people on this sub.
When we seek wealth equality, we don't seek equal pay for all experience and position. We seek wealth equality through abolishment of rent-based income and inheritance.
The example of a psychotherapist is one of the clearest illustrations of how surplus-value extraction works under capitalism.
Capitalism needs of the state to function
Wolf of Wall Street explains in less than 2 minutes the biggest flaw in capitalism.
The Penguin is buffering: we need a new economic system
How can capitalism address demographic decline?
A Portrait of the Failing U.S Health System
Some people are willing to share prosperity and some people aren’t.