Literally one of lorelai's cringiest moments. trying to boost her own ego by attempting to get max to admit that he still loves her when she ghosted him a day before the wedding.
Are my absences excessive?
I'm constantly ill or exhausted and its ruining my dating life!
Should Teachers Be Given More Prep Time?
Traveling with PlusLife
Lauren Grahams natural hair
Helly R isn’t an innie !?
Rory’s cheating
Vaccines after GBS
Life expectancy
My floral arrangement with ranunculus, tulips, anemone and waxflowers
Rory was supposed to turn into Emily
Bouquet practice
Anyone want to share some positive stories?
Fuck Gen Alpha and their violent behavior and idiotic minds
My wife has bad hygiene and idk what to do
Cranford appreciation post
Public to private?
What’s the Hardest Part of Teaching That No One Warns You About?
Is anyone else bothered by couch legs?
I have seen too many babies die this year
What's your favorite random fact about any bird, or what is your favorite bird and why?
Nurses r beyond out of touch
Does ANYONE have a COVID-safe dentist??
Quality of Life Survey