Spent $60 on this, was it worth it?
Selling rare Jak and Daxter 1 Statue!
Objectively speaking, are you optimistic or pessimistic about the future of LA, say the next 20 years?
Love Is An Ocean Reaction Thread
starter shed -> cozy micro cabin
Man sues Village of Woodridge, several officers over 2024 false arrest - bodycam released by attorney
How would you restore eyes that are this damaged?
Caps for sale
10 finalists for the new Illinois Flag
Long term employees - How long since your last raise?
10 Most DISTURBING Police Interviews Caught On Camera #1
For those working on large studios...how is it on times where is no work between projects?
Neon signs have always been my favorite pieces of art/culture around the city. I illustrated some of my favorites.
Fuck this “Judge”
Jugde can't believe my eyes
Chariots live at the Greek was incredible
Could you reccomend the all the best ways to find very well paid job as Senior Compositing Artist?
A crumb of positivity for the Heroes fans today
F this beam with the archer and dropkicking bat. All my homies hate this beam with the archer and dropkicking bat.
Found the world's largest picnic table in Greased Palms today
A VFX worker just posted that they are turning to sex work in r/offmychest
Need help learning more about LiDAR workflows
How to execute an Artifact floating in a volumetric shaft literally shot?
Los Angeles in a Nutshell
Ariana Grande claims all sets in new Wicked movie are practical and VFX was only used to "add some flying monkeys and some animals". Is this true? Or is it just another example of vfx artists being minimized and erased from filmmaking.
I wonder if gamers outside of China are paying much attention to this game?