I get sent to this screen every time i start a dash, does anyone know what’s going on?
What is the pettiest thing you have ever done?
Vivid WW3 Dream (Unrealistic)
Is nobody else getting alot of opponents quitting?
Looking for that sakuga fight choreography
site down?? or is it just me?
What is this?
2012 Highschool Sophomore
What sad reality of being an adult that young people should know?
What was the brokest thing you’ve ever done?
Silly Isabelle turnip combo
What’s something so funny you’re mad you hadn’t thought of it first?
It only took 6 years…
I feel kinda self conscious about the fact 2 of my mains are dlc
How is steve unanimously considered the best character when he loses so many maychups?
What are some jobs that pay well that aren’t likely to be replaced by AI in the near future?
Slippi ranked
My friend didn't really enjoy this project, thoughts?
What are some pretty cool places to visit for a vacation?